Greenlight Surveys

Siyakholwa is a proud partner of the Greenlight Movement, and is actively involved in conducting greenlight surveys on behalf of other movement partners.  With a network of well-trained facilitators spread across all provinces, we have the capability to conduct surveys in multiple languages.

The Greenlight Movement represents a collaborative group comprising over 100 non-profits, social enterprises, and businesses.  It embraces the greenlight approach which serves as a methodology and metric (survey) to measure, understand, and provide evidence of social impact.  By empowering individuals to comprehend and map their own choices, the greenlight approach aids in the progress out of a life of poverty.

This movement encourages active participation and ownership from households and employees as they embark on their journeys towards a better quality of life.

Moreover, the greenlight approach enables organisations delivering support to effectively communicate the progress of their social impact in alignment with their programme objectives.

As a partner of the Greenlight Movement, Siyakholwa is committed to leveraging this powerful methodology and metric to drive positive change and create a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities we serve.

If you are seeking an experienced partner for your impact surveys, we invite you to contact us.  Our team of facilitators and data collectors are highly trained, ensuring reliable data collection, and timely survey execution.